Unravelling Frequencies

Conversation with Prof. Dr. Peter Brugger
Professor of Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry,
fmr. Head of Neuropsychology Unit, University Hospital Zurich. Soundscape based on infrasonic recordings made at Place Catherine-Repond, situated on the hill Le Guintzet in Fribourg, named after the last person convicted of witchcraft and burned at this location.

🜾 Click on the image to take the Magical Ideation Scale Test 🜾

Paranormal Beliefs, Menotoxins and Witches

Magical beliefs: Up to the 17th century, crystals found in the alpine regions of Switzerland were believed to be unmeltable ice.
Further Reading

Mark Eckblad & Loren J. Chapman
Magical ideation as an indicator of schizotypy, 1983

Reiner Sprengelmeyer
The Neurology of Disgust, 2007

Peter Brugger, Roger E. Graves
Testing vs. Believing Hypotheses: Magical Ideation in the Judgement of Contingencies, 2010


A piece of ice found at the site of the execution pillars of Vicosoprano, Feb. 2024

Magical Ideation Scale Test
Source: Psychological Testing Online

Unless stated otherwise, all audio recordings, images, videos, webdesign and audio editing featured in this website were made by Céline Manz, 2024

Proofreading by Andreas Schneitter

Font 'Adelphe' by Eugénie Bidaut

Project realized as part of the Swiss Art Awards 2024

Céline Manz 2024 ©