Unravelling Frequencies

Conversation with Dr. Andrea Gloor
Immunology Unit University Hospital Basel. Soundscape based on infrasonic recordings made in the torture chamber of the Château de Chillon.

The Science of Sanguineous Flows

Further Reading

Johann Jakob Wick
Wickiana: Folter von Frau und Tochter eines Fuhrmanns in Mellingen Hans Ueli, 1577

E.Ducasse, F. Speziale, J.C. Baste, D. Midy
Vascular Knowledge in Medieval Times was the Turning Point for the Humanistic Trend
, 2006

O. Watkins Smith
Menstrual Toxin: I. Experimental Studies
, 1947

J.A Bryant, D.G Heathcote, V.R Pickles
The Search for MenotoxinThe Lancet. Letters to the Editor| Volume 309, ISSUE 8014, P753, April 02, 1977


Detail from the 'Menotoxic tulips' experiment: A vase with a tulip containing the artist's 'menotoxic' blood

The torturer's pressure points


Unless stated otherwise, all audio recordings, images, videos, webdesign and audio editing featured in this website were made by Céline Manz, 2024

Proofreading by Andreas Schneitter

Font 'Adelphe' by Eugénie Bidaut

Project realized as part of the Swiss Art Awards 2024

Céline Manz 2024 ©