Unravelling Frequencies

Conversation with Renata Giovanoli-Semadeni
Administrator of the Pretorio Vicosoprano, the only remaining mediaeval round tower in the Canton of Graubunden (1592). Soundscape based on infrasonic recordings made with the 'devil's mask' from the torture chamber of Vicosporano.

Extract from the play La Stria
(The Witch) 1875, read in the Bregaliot dialect

Witch Purge in Vicosoprano,
Bregaglia Valley

Further Reading

Giovanni Andrea Maurizio
La Stria, 1875

Antonia Bertschinger
Die Bergüner Hexenprozesse von 1688: wer verfolgte wen?, 2023


Last Journey of a Person convicted of Witchcraft in Vicospoprano: Torture Chamber, Prison Cell, Gallows of the Pretorio; Pillars in the woods, Maira River

Pages from the book including the play La Stria by Giovanni Andrea Maurizio

View from the mountain pass Maloja, 2024


Extract of La Stria read by Renata Giovanoli-Semadeni, Feb 2024

Unless stated otherwise, all audio recordings, images, videos, webdesign and audio editing featured in this website were made by Céline Manz, 2024

Proofreading by Andreas Schneitter

Font 'Adelphe' by Eugénie Bidaut

Project realized as part of the Swiss Art Awards 2024

Céline Manz 2024 ©